Radbats 2

Dingbats 13 downloads







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The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

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Format: TTF
License: Free for Commercial Use
Downloads: 13
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Font Information

Family Name: Radbats 2
Subfamily: Regular
Unique ID: dbats 2 2
Full Name: Radbats 2
Version: Shareware V1 - cbrown@eon.net.au
PostScript Name: Radbats2
Trademark: cwfb
Manufacturer: Chris Brown (visual design)
Designer: Chris Brown
Description: RADBATS 2 is the second in a collection
of fast and funky images that are not
quite run of the mill dingbats.
They are a modern, unique and useable
design picture font that can be used in
almost any situation that needs a rare
radical touch.
(also look for RADBATS)
Vendor URL: mailto:cbrown@eon.net.au
Designer URL: mailto:cbrown@eon.net.au
License Description: RADBATS 2 was made by Chris Brown (visual design)

It is not FREE, it is SHAREWARE.
If required to use commercially, please email first.
Chris Brown (cbrown@eon.net.au)
A license fee is applicable.

RADBATS 2 is not in the public domain and remains
the exclusive property of Chris Brown.

RADBATS 2 may not be redistributed in any way.
That is:
it may not be distributed commercially,
it may not be sold,
it may not be included on any form saleable package,
it may not be converted or renamed,
it may not be made available for download without
the express written permission of Chris Brown.

Chris Brown shall, in no event, be liable for any
damages arising out of the use of this font.

Remember RADBATS 2 is not free, it is shareware.
License URL: mailto:cbrown@eon.net.au
Weight Class: 400 (Regular)
Width Class: 5 (Normal)
Type: TrueType