Garamond Italic

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The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

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License: Free for Personal Use
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Font Information

Family Name: Garamond
Subfamily: Italique
Unique ID: Monotype - Garamond Italic
Full Name: Garamond Italique
Version: Version 2.30
PostScript Name: Garamond-Italic
Trademark: Monotype Garamond® is a trademark of Monotype Typography, Ltd which may be registered in certain jurisdictions.
Manufacturer: Monotype Typography, Inc.
Designer: Claude Garamond
Description: Monotype Drawing Office 1922. This typeface is based on roman types cut by Jean Jannon in 1615. Jannon followed the designs of Claude Garamond which had been cut in the previous century. Garamond's types were, in turn, based on those used by Aldus Manutius in 1495 and cut by Francesco Griffo. The italic is based on types cut in France circa 1557 by Robert Granjon. Garamond is a beautiful typeface with an air of informality which looks good in a wide range of applications. It works particularly well in books and lengthy text settings.
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Weight Class: 400 (Regular)
Width Class: 5 (Normal)
Type: TrueType