Daisy Mae

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The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

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Format: TTF
License: Free for Commercial Use
Downloads: 7
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Font Information

Family Name: Daisy Mae
Subfamily: Regular
Unique ID: Daisy Mae's Teen Crush
Full Name: Daisy Mae
Version: Version 1.00
PostScript Name: DaisyMae
Trademark: ©Jennifer Heinicke, Fonts-A-Go-Go, [email protected], <http://www2.southwind.net/~ophelia/index.html>
Manufacturer: Jennifer Heinicke, Fonts-A-Go-Go
Designer: Jennifer Heinicke, Fonts-A-Go-Go
Description: Daisy Mae's Teen Crush
A complete alphabet with numbers and most punctuation, suitable for love letters to the cast of "Dukes of Hazzard" and shopping lists for Burpee's Seed Catalog.
Vendor URL: http://www2.southwind.net/~ophelia/index.html
Designer URL: mailto:[email protected]
License Description: Daisy Mae is shareware. If you like Daisy Mae, please send me $10.00 (US Dollars) and I'll send you the full font on the disk. You may purchase additional fonts for $5.00 each. Macintosh TrueType is available on request. Do not redistribute Daisy Mae. Do not distribute Daisy Mae under any other name. Conversion to other platforms is fine. Any "derivative works" must be significantly different from Daisy Mae. Email me for details about purchasing Daisy Mae or any other questions.
License URL: mailto:[email protected]
Weight Class: 400 (Regular)
Width Class: 5 (Normal)
Type: TrueType