Abduction IV

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The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

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Format: TTF
License: Free for Commercial Use
Downloads: 45
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Font Information

Family Name: Abduction IV
Subfamily: Regular
Unique ID: Abduction IV
Full Name: Abduction IV
Version: Version 4.00 - 02/21/01 - "The Truth"
PostScript Name: AbductionIV
Trademark: Free Font ! - Distribute only with "AbductionIV.txt" attached.
Manufacturer: GreyWolf WebWorks
Designer: Rich Gast
Description: This font is dedicated to the truth about abductions and the existence of extraterrestrial alien life. To see the truth, one must look at the large picture in great detail.
Vendor URL: http://home.earthlink.net/~greywolfww/
Designer URL: http://home.earthlink.net/~greywolfww/
Weight Class: 400 (Regular)
Width Class: 5 (Normal)
Type: TrueType